Sunday 9 December 2012

Simcity Social: New Dunkin’ Donuts Giftable Energy

Simcity Social offer you Energy via the new Smoked Sausage Breakfast Sandwich and White Chocolate Latte items. and the inventory can hold seven of each item at a time.

By AdminTel From Simcity Social Fansite

Energy is one of the main concerns for players of SimCity Social lately as everyone’s Cities continue to grow and expand. Plus with many more Businesses and Factories being released every collection this creates even more things to collect from which of course need even more Energy.

simcity social dunkin donuts special energy01 Simcity Social: New Dunkin Donuts Giftable Energy

To help you out for a limited period of time Dunkin’ Donuts are back with more promotional giftable items that will help you boost your Energy bar past 35 as they’ve released the new Smoked Sausage Breakfast Sandwich and White Chocolate Latte items to your favourite online Facebook game which can now be sent to friends and Neighbours and will add +2 Energy for each one consumed from your inventory.

The inventory can hold seven of each item at a time so make sure you keep this in mind when collecting them from your inbox.

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