Wednesday 26 December 2012

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Minecraft 1.4.6

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Minecraft 1.4.6

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod – Download MCA Mod for Minecraft 1.4.6. Hello minecrafters! now you can say goodbye to those ugly and boring Testificates! Minecraft Comes Alive replaces the original villagers with humans and gives them an actual use within the game. Sound ineteresting right ? want to download and install this Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod ? see my post below

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Features

  • Villagers are now humans. They can be male or female and have skins that are appropriate for their gender and profession.

  • You can interact with the villagers and raise your relationship (hearts) with them. Get someone to like you enough and you can get married!

  • You can have a baby when you’re married. It will grow into a child who can do chores and gather resources for you.

  • Your child will grow into an adult after some time. Adults will fight with you and defend you to the death. You can get your adult children married to other villagers and they will be able to have their own kids.

  • Adults also play part in a secret feature that is only present in Hardcore mode.

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Changelogs

  • Change: Spouse will be holding your baby if you migrate your family to another world, since you will lose it.

  • Fix: Fixed crash when talking to your spouse after migrating worlds.

  • Fix: Corrected some translation files being missing.

  • Fix: Added missing dialogue responses.

  • Fix: Fixed children growing into adults too fast.

  • Fix: Titles now appear correctly when playing in different languages.

  • Fix: You will no longer have infinite baby Johns.

MCA Mod Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Minecraft 1.4.6

Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod Installations for Minecraft 1.4.6

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge

  2. Download Minecraft Comes Alive Mod for Minecraft 1.4.6

  3. At start menu, run /%appdata%/.minecraft/mods

  4. Unzip your mod

  5. Move everything inside the “Place contents in mods folder” to the mods folder

  6. Navigate to minecraft.jar file (in the bin folder)

  7. Now drag the contents in “Place contents in Minecraft JAR” into minecraft.jar

  8. Play Minecraft

Download Minecraft Comes Alive 1.4.6 Mod for Minecraft 1.4.6

Download MCA Installer Automatic Install

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