Friday 28 December 2012

Zynga’s New Pet : The Friend Game Goes Closed Beta

So it has finally out in the open! Zynga recently uncovers yet another game under its sleeves for the FB gaming public, introducing The Friend Game. The label is the product of the some creative heads of Zynga New York, the Area/Code block who are famous for their work for a mobile app Drop7. At the moment, The Friend Game is currently on closed beta Zynga revealed with some details with the concept of the game.

the friend game Zynga’s New Pet : The Friend Game Goes Closed Beta

Zynga New York’s Demetri Detsaridis wrote on the Zynga blog “The Friend Game is unlike any game Zynga’s ever made before. We’ve set out to reimagine what “social gaming” means–and instead of taking a familiar type of game and making it social, we’re making your social network into a game. The Friend Game is all about how well you know your friends and how well your friends know you.”

This is not foreign to most of us who are aware about how Zynga cook their games, Though in closed Beta, The Friend Game is likely to shape up in to something interesting more than what a social game is supposed to be. Now if by chance this game has a Words With Friends similar potential, we are certain it will really rake some good following, when it hits public. For those who are not totally aware about the game yet, you could like The Friend game over Facebook, and be updated with the latest “to know about” of the game.

Or anyone could simply, re visit us for more details and buzzworhty topics not limited to any particular game label in the FB platform and even sometimes we could also share some freebies or two for your game in Facebook!. For your comments and suggestions, simply write them on the comments section provided., The more you tell us about what you think about the topic posted here, the more we could help you to better enjoy your game in FB.

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