Wednesday 26 December 2012

Free Holiday Cheer (December 26, 2012)

Annoying Friends/Storage/Etc bar

OK, not sure if it’s just me or if it’s everyone on this new land we have. 

It seems that stuff likes to grow mostly right hand bottom corner of my screen. (Well not fully in the corner, but basically where the storage area is on the screen.) It tends to get hard to get my sims in that section when that whole thing is in the way. 

^^^^It’s a pain when my sims has a hard time clearing stuff in his yard.

Is there a way something can be done to auto hide or give players the option to hide the section with neighbors while we are building (etc) and or clearing stuff on our land?


45329 332272316887168 578388929 n 300x300 Free Holiday Cheer (December 26, 2012)

FREE Holiday Cheer! >>>

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