Saturday 8 December 2012

Pockie Pirates Guide: Passive Skill

pockiepirates 3 Pockie Pirates Guide: Passive Skill

This Pockie Pirates guide maded by SolonD.Ray (from S3 Orange)to solve any question about Passive Skills. The guide is aiming newbies and who desire to know an specific Passive before get it.

1. Abreviations and meanings

To you guys that don’t are very familiar with abreviations, ill put some here that i used in the guide:

Char = character (Character is the little guy you play with in the game. can be your protagonist or any crewmate/pirate)

P.Atk = Physical Attack ( Snipers and swordsmen do these type of attack)

M.Atk = Magical Attack ( Doctors and Navigators do these type of attack)

P.Def = Physical Defense ( Defense against Physical Attacks)

M. Def = Magical Defense ( Defense against Magical Attacks)

Crit = Critical Hit ( Hit that exceeds the normal attack, but don’t exactly double the damage)

HP = Hit Points/Health Points (Your life)

Buff ( A Buff is when u get something raising any of your stats, like Attack, Defense, Dodge….)

Debuff (A debuff is the contrary of a buff, it lower stats)

Tank/Tanker (Tank or Tanker are crewmates that has a lot of HP and Def that can protect your Crew from incoming attacks)

DD = Damage Dealer ( Damage dealers are crewmates that don’t have a good HP or Defs, they just deal a lot of damage, so they have to be protected)

App Skill = Aptitude Skill ( Aptitude Skill is the best active skill/special skill that your main protagonist can have and is very important to have. All Aptitude Skill are AoE and cant Crit. They can be get by reseting your ACTIVE SKILL by 50 Gold each time you reset when u get level 40. Good Luck, you will have 14% Chance to get it and don’t worry, all the points u spent on your past active skill will return to you)

AoE = Area of Effect ( A area of effect, or splash/area damage is any skill that can hit everyone)

Thunder God Set ( is a set of equipments that raises greatly your Critical Hit and your Hit Rate. u can get it from level 40 dungeon)

Wind God Set (is a set of equipments that raises greatly your Speed and Dodge. u can get it from level 60 dungeon)

2.Recommended Passives Builds

2.1 – Swordsman

Best Active Skill to main protagonist: Endless Sky ( app skill )

Best Active Skill to B rank crewmate : Gale

Best Passive : Mirror Soul

Equipment Recommended to enhance (descending order) : Helm (HP), Cloak (M.Def), Armor (P.Def), Ring (HP), Weapon (Damage), Boots (Speed)

Recommended God Set :Fire God Set/Thunder God Set

Recommended Builds: Build A

Swordsmen are a tough class that have high HP, very high P.Def, high M.Def, low Speed and a average P.Atk, doing he one of the bests Tankers in all the protagonists and his app skill is AoE, do average damage, and buff himself with 90% Damage Decrease of Both Damages. Lets go to the list.

2.1.1 – Build A -The Great Tanker Build (Tank Build, char will stay in front of the mid line of your Damage Dealers, and one of the best builds)

Passives: 1- Mirror Soul ( Recommended to be maxed to level 10 first)

2- Grand Power

2.1.2 – Build B – Lazy Guy (Damage Deal build, char will be in front of a corner)

Passives : 1- Warlord’s Power( recommended to be maxed to level 10 first)

2- Mirror Soul or Rampage ( If you have full Thunder God Set, that give you almost 60% Critical, u can have rampage)

2.1.3 – Build C – Mr.Tough (Tank Build build, char will stay in front of the mid line of Damage Dealers, but will not knock back any damage)

Passives : 1- Grand Power (recommended to be maxed to level 10 first)

2- Stout

2.1.4 – Build D – “I’ll never miss a hit” (Hit Rate build, char will stay in front of the corner)

Passives : 1- Mirror Soul (recommended to be raised to level 8, then max Water Arts to level 10)

2- Water Arts

2.2 – Sniper

Best Active Skill to main protagonist: Shadow Pounce (app skill)

Best Active Skill to B rank crewmate : Finger Pistol/Concussion Shoot

Best Passive : Moonwalk

Equipment Recommended to enhance (descending order) : Weapon (Damage), Boots (Speed), Cloak (M.Def), Helm (HP), Armor ( P.Def), Ring (HP)

Recommended God Set : Wind God Set/ Thunder God Set

Recommended Builds : Build A

Snipers are great damage dealers. They have a low HP, very high P.Atk, High Speed, Average P.Def, Low M.Def and they can dodge better than any protagonist. Their app skill is the weakest by now, its Aoe, gives 10 Random damage to the enemy field, distributing 500% Damage to the enemies ( but don’t worry snipers pals! in chapter 4 the app skill will give some dodge to the main protagonist), so, the less enemies, the greater the damage will be on them. So, they have to be protected and stay out from the front line or the corners. To the list!

2.2.1 – Build A – The Great Damage Dealer Build(Damage Deal Build, char will be behind of a Tanker. That build is one of the best to snipers)

Passives : 1- Moonwalk ( recommended to be raised to level 10 first)

2- Fast Chase

2.2.2 – Build B – Mr. Fast damage ( Speed Build, char will be behind of a tanker or be at the corner)

Passives : 1 – Moonwalk (raise it to level 6, then max Rapid Outburst)

2 – Rapid Outburst

2.2.3 – Build C – Mr. Lucky Guy ( Damage Deal/Supportive Build, char will be behind of a tanker, and will have full Thunder God Set)

Passives : 1 – Burst Assault (recommended to max it first to level 10)

2 – Moon Walk

2.2.4 – Build D – “Hulk Smashes!” ( Damage Deal Build, char will be in front of the corner, taking some risks to get debuff )

Passives: 1 – Moonwalk (raise it to level 5, then max Blood Surge)

2- Blood Surge

2.2.5 – Build E – “I don’t have to aim to hit anything” ( Hit rate build, char will be behind of a tanker)

Passives : 1 – Moonwalk (raise it to 5, then max Mind Focus to level 10)

2 – Mind Focus

2.3 – Navigator

Best active skill to main protagonist: Fallen Star (app skill)

Best active skill to B rank crewmates : Fallen Meteorite

Best Passive : Shelter of God

Equipment Recommended to enhance (descending order) : Boots (Speed), Weapon ( Damage), Armor (P.Def), Helm (HP), Ring (HP), Cloak(M.Def)

Recommended God Set : Wind God Set/Sea God Set

Recommended Builds: Build A

Navigators are great damage dealers too. They have very high M.Atk, average HP, average Speed, Average P.Def and High M.Def. They have one of the bests app skill of the mains. His skill is AoE, do high damage and have average chance (about 30%) to stun each enemy. They can tank at the corners or tank a little on the front line. Lets see some builds now.

2.3.1 – Build A – Free Will Stunner (Speed/Stun Build (stun for prota), one of the bests builds, char will be tanking in front of the corners)

Passives:   1- Shelter of God ( You can choose what to max first, both are great, but if you really want to hit first to try to stun the enemy faster, you have to max Speed Control first, Shelter of God is very useful to get rid of stun and then attack, its your choice. In my opinion, i would let Shelter level 7 first and try to max Speed Control)

2 – Speed Control

2.3.2 – Build B – “I have the power!” ( damage deal build, it would be good if you put your navigator at the corner and put a tanker in front of him and its recommended to have full Thunder God Set to have more critical hit chance)

Passives: 1 – Flame Power ( its recommended to max first Flame power to level 10, then try to max Tactics)

2 – Tactics

2.3.3 – Build C – Mr.Fast Stun ( speed build, its recommended to have full Wind God set to more speed. Char can be at the corners tanking or being protected to don’t get any stun)

Passives : 1 – Speed Control ( its recommended to max it to level 10 first, then raise Gale)

2 – Gale

2.3.4 – Build D – “My name is hit. Critical Hit.” ( Damage Deal build, highly recommended to get full Thunder God set. Char have to be at the corners being protected)

Passives : 1 – Fiery Blessing ( its recommended to max it to level 10 first, then raise Tactics)

2 – Tactics

2.3.5 – Build E – Normal damage dealer ( Damage Deal build, highly recommended to get full Thunder God set. Char have to be at the corners being protected, this build is quite good for Jango if he have Thunder of God Set)

Passives : 1 – Shelter of God ( its recommended to max it to level 10 first, then raise Tactics)

2 – Tactics

2.4 – Doctor

Best Active Skill to main protagonist: Holy Blessing (app skill)

Best Active Skill to B rank crewmates: Group Heal

Best Passive : Wind Wing/Inspiration

Equipment Recommended to enhance (descending order) : Boots (Speed, only to main protagonist, speed isnt very good to improve to any other doctor), Helm (HP), Armor (P.Def), Cloak (M.Def), Ring (HP), Weapon (Damage)

Recommended God Set : Wind God Set

Recommended Builds : Build A and Build B

Doctors are the supportive class. They have good HP, high M.Atk, Average M.Def, Average P.Def and high speed. his app skill is AoE and buff all your team with double damage, so try to improve his speed to be the fastest of your crew to buff everyone, and smash your enemy with Doubled-Specials of your crew. That buff have high chance to get in a crewmate (around 80% to each crewmate), making this Skill the master buff of the game ( but be aware, in Chapter 4, they will change the buff damage to only 50%, but Holy Blessing will get 100% Rate to buff someone, in other words, will never miss).They can tank in the front line or stay at the corner, but is very recommended to stay at corner to don’t get any Stun from an Fast Enemy ( Like buggy, that usually is at the mid line). Is highly recommended to have an Full Wind God Set on your doctor on every Build to improve greatly your speed, due Holy Blessing( so ill not say this time ). Lets end this guide with our support protagonist!

2.4.1 – Build A – The Great Supportive Build (Support/Speed Build, is recommended to your char stay at the corners tanking)

Passives : 1- Wind Wing ( recommended to max it to level 10 first, then raise

2- Wind Shuffle

2.4.2 – Build B – “Healing is in my blood!” (Tank Build, is recommended to your char stay in front of the mid line or at the corners tanking)

Passives : 1- Holy Counter ( recommended to max it first to level 10, then raise Inspiration)

2- Inspiration

2.4.3 – Build C – Fast Action ( Speed Build, is recommended to your char stay at corners tanking)

Passives: 1- Wind Wing ( higly recommended to max it first to level 10, then go raise Focus)

2- Focus

2.4.4 – Build D – “I was supposed to be an swordsman!”, Mr.Tough 2 – The mission (Tank Build, is recommended to your char be tanking at the front line)

Passives: 1- Holy Counter (recommended to max it first to level 10, then go for Holy Guard leveling)

2- Holy Guard

2.4.5 – Build E – “Hit and Run” (Dodge/Tank Build, highly recommended to your char stay in front of the mid line or stay at the corners)

Passives: 1- Wind Shuffle ( recommended to max it first to level 10, then raise Inspiration)

2- Inspiration

Credits : Dryxter – S3 Orange Town ( for helping me with Blood Surge)

Snipey – S3 Orange Town ( for helping me with Mind Focus)

Confusions ( for helped me with Tactics, a very great help, and other things)

Nico Robin – S3 Orange Town ( for giving me the tip to make the column “Suitable for Build” at te passives table)

Leen and Fvker (for helping me with Warlord’s Power)

Monsterloi – S2 Sheels Town ( for having corrected me many descriptions)

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