Monday 10 December 2012

Free The Sims Social Memories December 10, 2012

Hello, I finally finished my cat’s 3 star training this afternoon, and then was able to move to step 4 of this week’s quest where, among other things, you need to keep training your cat to get 4 stars. The problem is that it won’t let me. This is what I get when I try:


Looks like to be able to train your cat to 4 stars you need to have ended the three first steps in time. The question is, what can I do now??? Won’t I be able to finnish the “can’t hug every cat” quest and get my reward? It gives you the option to retrain, but then you would have to start from the beginning, and don’t think I would finnish in time. Maybe if I had known before I would need to train my cat to 4 stars within the time in order to do this week’s quest I would have focused only in the training instead of starting with the dog house. I didn’t really liked the reward, so I didn’t worry too much about it

 424919 330019473779119 473785227 n 300x300 Free The Sims Social Memories December 10, 2012

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