Sunday, 23 December 2012

Dragon City FAQ about Breeding

In Dragon City you may have several questions about combat, here below frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the dragon breeding, click in to whether you have knew them or not.

dragon city breeding faq 1 Dragon City FAQ about Breeding

How do I breed [Insert dragon name here]?

Please be aware not all dragons can be breed. Specialty events will offer luxury dragons that can only be earned through events. For those that can be breed, there are many options for most dragon types as well as a system to it. Continue below if you’d like to learn the systems. If you’d prefer to just know dragon names, please review Simplified Dragon Breeding List to know which match will work best with your dragons.

How long does [Insert dragon name here] take to breed?

Breeding times are decided by the parents and will vary depending on how dragons are matched. Please review Simplified Dragon Breeding List to know which dragon match you ca make for the best time frame for your game play.

Why can’t some dragons breed together

This should happen only for single element dragons. They are considered opposite elements and unable to breed to create a challenge in figuring out how to cross their elements. Review some of the breeding guides like the one posted in the question above if you would rather just be told what matches give a chance for a successful result.

Which dragons cannot be created from breeding?

Unique dragons can only be earned or purchased through events offering them. These are exclusive luxury dragons to the game. A list of what is considers a Unique dragon can be found in the Unique Dragon Listing topic.

I am breeding the correct combination. How come I am not getting the right result?

To keep the game and breeding challenging there are often multiple options that can be bread out of combinations as well as some will have different levels of difficulty. Keep tying proven matches until success results. Feel free to ask around other’s for further advice & encouragement. Everyone’s had at least one stubborn bree

How does the game decide which dragons are created from the parents?

The game does a random mix and match of the parent’s elements to create the babies. So a Fire+Plant bred with a Water+Earth will take one of the elements of Fire or Plant & match to one of the other element of Water or Earth. Legendary Dragons and Rare dragons have the added ability of creating elements other than what they show. Rares matched to each other will occasionally create Legendary elements. Legendary dragons matched to each other will occasional create Pures, or matched to other dragon types they will create a mix of any standard element.

How do I breed a Unique dragons?

These are special event dragons and can only be earned. Breeding is not possible. In most instances, they will not show for purchase in the Build: Egg section. To know if you are trying for a unique dragon please view Unique Dragon Listing for the currently known types.

How do I breed a Pure?

Mix a legendary with a single element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Legendary?

Mix two rare element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Rare?

Mix two Hybrid Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a somewhat higher breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Poo dragon?

Mix a legendary and a dragon like Mud that has at least 2 of the needed three elements together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a hybrid?

Mix two Single Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be an easier breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Single Element?

It is easiest to purchase these direct from the Build: Egg section, but if you wish to breed some mix two Hybrid Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be an easier breeding challenge, though results will vary.

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